Okay…so I was all proud of myself yesterday for working out and doing Cross Fit and all that…

Yeah, that shit was nothing compared to today. I hurt so much and everywhere. This crazy-ass shit started today with 105 pull-ups. Yes, you read that correctly. 105. To *start* with. There were also 85 dips, 62 push-ups, 42 squats, 55 deadlifts…that’s half the list of what we did today. It was BANANAS.

But, I did it. All the way through. There were set breaks, but Matt was taking them too, so I didn’t feel so bad. He was sweatin’ it pretty hard core. And, so was I. But in a different way than I’ve complained about on here before. I wasn’t feeling dizzy, or sick, or anything like that. I was just working. I hope that keeps up. I’m feeling stronger. Little by little. I also have been sticking with the more-calories diet a little more strictly over the past several days, so that’s good. I’m feeling a little more optimistic that I’ll be looking nice and manly for Maui.

I had a solid writing session tonight, too. Cut short slightly by helping the Ho out with an audition, but that’s always legit. For reals. She does the exact same thing for me, whenever I have to do a scene. It’s one of those unspoken priorities that we’ve become used to.

Then, we watched the rest of Thor: The Dark World. I liked it. Maybe even more than the first one. I’d have to go back and watch that one. But, this one was exciting, funny, stacked with some fantastic actors…I mean, it was solid. I really have to hand it to Marvel, they are KILLING it right now. The only couple of their movies that the Ho and I really saw as missteps were the first Captain America movie (haven’t seen the last one yet) and the last Iron Man movie (which we still thought was fun, but definitely wasn’t as up to par with the others). Even the Spider Man reboot was good…although word on the latest one is that it sucked. We haven’t seen that yet, either.

But, back to the writing. The outline from the first draft is ALMOST complete. I know what you’re thinking: jesus, you’re just deconstructing the elements of what you’ve already written, how can that take longer than an hour or two. Well, that would be true, except that as I’m going, ideas are flooding in that I have to write down for the next draft of this thing. How to fix stuff. What to add or condense. Lines. I was literally working tonight with three windows open simultaneously on my computer screen. It was intense.

Tomorrow is a work day. Lots to do and very little time to do it in. The weekend will likewise be a very busy one, with more work to catch up on. And writing. This second draft is very, very much in danger of not getting finished by the end of this month…and that will be sad. Not the end of the world, mind you, but sad nonetheless.

We’ll see how it goes. I will bust my tail on it, but I’m also not going to kill myself. These “days off” from editing work are jam-packed, to be completely honest. It’s not like I’m just sitting around twiddling my thumbs.

Oh! And I went grocery shopping today, too, so the pantry is stocked. That’s a happy home, right there. Fridge full, and cabinets bursting with goods.

I leave you with that thought, tonight. Till tomorrow!