The Ho and I watched the very pretty, very problematic Passengers tonight and there was one very, very clear takeaway from that movie: don’t be a creeper.

It’s honestly not giving anything away about that movie, given that this happens within the first 20 minutes or so…but Chris Pratt wakes up early on this ship, right? He was supposed to be in sleep mode for another 90 years, and something went wrong. Well…he decides to WAKE SOMEBODY ELSE UP BECAUSE HE WAS LONELY. Jesus. So not cool. And yeah, they kiiind of treat it as not-cool in the movie…but then they totally undermine that not-cool-ness, literally life-changing decision he made for someone without their consent by actually having them fall in love. It’s a bad precendent to set in a world where we have creepy fucking dudes doing creepy fucking shit all the time with no real consequences, and it kinda ruins the movie.

But…it was very pretty.

I rocked the writing today. It was a 6,000 word day, and I’m officially caught up to my furthest point ever in the novel. Weird to say, I know…but I did write over half this thing already and have to throw almost all of it out. Well, I’m past my high point now. And finally, finally this novel feels like it’s coming together. The scenes are becoming easier to write. The characters are clearer. It’s…finally…happening. Praise be to the writing gods.

I also got solid work done on my Netflix stuff. Not quite as many hours as I wanted, but such is life. I have to finish this freaking book. Sigh…have to. Getting there.

That’s all the news that’s fit to report, y’all. Really loving having movie nights with my bear and the pups. Wish I had more free time, but at the same time, I’m really happy with how productive I’ve been. This book doesn’t seem so overwhelming any more, and I feel like I’m getting back into a rhythm, a REAL rhythm, which is so, so nice. I also feel like I know how much I can get done in a day, now. In a pinch, I could do 9,000 words in a day. I’d be toast the next day, I think…but I could do it.

That’s good to know. Knowing that gives me the power of scheduling, and that’s honestly where I really take off, guys. Hopefully this time, I get a real sense of how long it takes me to rewrite and edit a book, too. Blech. Wish me luck on that shit. That’s a major, major piece to this full-time author stuff right there. Holy crap.
