Damn. I’m in a bad pattern right now, and there’s no excuse for it. I’m not getting ready for bed when I should be…and that’s led to getting up later than I should for the past two days (with the exception of last night, which was Star Wars induced).

K. I’m going to sleep. Short one. I have work to finish tomorrow before the softball game. Wish me luck 😉

One pearl of wisdom I was thinking about today on my night time walk with the pups: everything that we ever avoid doing…like writing, or getting a new job, whatever…the only reason we’re not doing that thing is fear. If we are currently struggling to write something, and that manuscript is just sitting there not getting done, it’s because we fear we’re not good enough.

It’s not because of all the work it will entail, and it’s not that we believe we CAN’T do it…it’s because we fear we don’t deserve to do it.

What does that fear get us? Fear is supposed to keep us safe…but we’re not animals scared to come down from the trees to gather food anymore. We no longer need to stay where we are, huddled and wary. Fear, now, limits us. It’s a very powerful, very old, very misleading voice.

We DO deserve to finish. We DO deserve to grow. We DO deserve to succeed.

So…go finish.

Artwork tonight from Akira Yata,