We went to Joe and Madhuri’s Holiday party tonight, and it was sooooo muuuuuucchhh fuuuunnnnn. I guess we missed it last year because we were out of town already, but I’m so glad we got to go this year. We love those two, we really do. One of the very few peeps in our lives where we’d go to their part and hang out for 5 hours, which is basically what we did tonight 😛

The white elephant exchange was super fun, lots of stealing and finagling. It was pretty amazing. Lots of good convos with good peeps.

The Disjointed fam also got together today in DROVES for the championship softball game. Oh, it was a good game! Back and forth! We lost, but in the end, getting second place was almost just as good as winning it all, and I mean that sincerely. What a season! We played so well, and fell juuuust shy of being the very best. The trophies were even the same size for the two of us.

Then we hung out at the nearby bar for a little while and had food and drinks.

I also did work today! I managed to fit in two solid hours of work around all those shenanigans.

And now I am bushwhacked. Holy jesus. Bush. Whacked.

Time for the sleeps. Goodnight, and mele kalikimaka! 🙂