Day 3,091: Skadis

Day 3,091: Skadis

I’m zonked. Had to work today. Full day, pretty much. BUT…I’m in position to finish this project on time, now. Thank lawd. Took a 48-hour work week, but I did it. AND I got the podcast up and ready for tomorrow, on time. Just in time to go to bed pretty much on time....
Day 3,090: Pets In Residence

Day 3,090: Pets In Residence

Mayor Cooper went and greeted our new neighbors next door. Well, I suppose we’re the new neighbors, but regardless, Coops wanted to make sure he made a good first impression. He’s such a sweet dog with humans. He’s not afraid of anyone, unless they’re coming into his...
Day 3,089: Roots

Day 3,089: Roots

On the one hand, moving has me feeling like I’m living in a fancy hotel. It’s…special. Exciting, still. An indulgence. On the other hand, I am feeling a deep desire to get my roots back down into the ground. To find a new routine. Figure out the new rhythms, ebbs and...
Day 3,088: Entitlement

Day 3,088: Entitlement

It really goes a long way if you can say “that was my bad.” A lot of people out there can’t do that, or at the very least struggle with it mightily. That sounds like the beginning of a rant, and it could be…but what made me think of that thought wasn’t nearly enough...
Day 3,087: Progress

Day 3,087: Progress

Another reeaaallyyyy late night. Offset a bit by taking a pretty epic nap in the late afternoon and quite a bit less physical work. Lot more sitting-at-computer work, however. Made progress on that. Phew. Actually found some stuff I think will work for this project,...