Day 1,159: Heavy Machinery

Day 1,159: Heavy Machinery

I have the phrase “don’t operate heavy machinery” floating through my head right now because I took some cough medicine a bit ago, along with some Benadryl for dem allergies, and my head is feeling a bit on the heavy side 😛 I worked my ass off today....
Day 1,139: Editing sheesh

Day 1,139: Editing sheesh

Today was dominated by editing with Josh. We sat down and watched the behemouth from beginning to end. And it was good! Surprisingly so. And I don’t mean that from a “I’m surprised Josh can make a good movie” perspective, I mean that from a...
Day 1,136: Tape Night

Day 1,136: Tape Night

So, if you don’t follow me on the social medias (trust me, you’re not missing much), then you may or may not know already that my wife is working on a sit-com at the moment called “Disjointed.” They taped their second episode tonight, and I was...
Day 1,126: I know I can do it

Day 1,126: I know I can do it

Coco is going HAM right now on her Whimzy stick. So hard! It’s these sticks we give them at night that help to keep their teeth clean and their breath smelling fresh…though it doesn’t help Coco one bit. She has stinky breath all the times. Liz just...
Day 825: January 2016, check

Day 825: January 2016, check

Man…the month is over, yo. Just. Like. That. January actually seemed to go by this time at a “normal” pace…like it felt like 31 days. Perception-wise. Unlike the last few months of 2015, which seemed to be gone after the slightest blinking of...