Day 1,165: Rainz

Day 1,165: Rainz

It rained today. All morning, and all last night. It was glorious. It was this needle-rain…shoots straight down too much to be called drizzle, but it’s hair-thin, and steady. It makes everything wet, especially the dogs. I think they hate getting wet, but...
Day 1,146: Travel Eve

Day 1,146: Travel Eve

The holidays are officially beginning here at the Ho-Heinichen household. We’re packing right now for our trip up to Portland to see our siblings. Liz’s sister Julianne lives in Portland, as do Scott and Addie. The parents shall be visiting Seth and Lena...
Day 1,139: Editing sheesh

Day 1,139: Editing sheesh

Today was dominated by editing with Josh. We sat down and watched the behemouth from beginning to end. And it was good! Surprisingly so. And I don’t mean that from a “I’m surprised Josh can make a good movie” perspective, I mean that from a...