Day 111: Binary

Day 111: Binary

That’s a lot of 1’s up there, eh? 🙂 111. It’s a cool number, and it won’t happen again for ANOTHER 111 days. Seems so far off at this point. I wonder what I’ll be doing on day number 222. Right now Liz is reading to me from Wikipedia...
Day 101: Highway

Day 101: Highway

Man, last night took more out of me than I’d like to admit. I mean, I’m definitely better…but I’m not “better.” Going to sleep at 2am last night and then waking up today like I had a hangover is not normal. At least, not when there...
Day 94: Don’t Break the Wheel

Day 94: Don’t Break the Wheel

Man, I can’t help but think about how I’ve almost made it to 100 posts. In a row. That’s pretty crazy, huh? Literally, until just about ten minutes ago, I was in the mood to write some whiny post about how I just can’t seem to shake this...
Day 91: Finishing Strong

Day 91: Finishing Strong

The last week of January coming up, and I have the finishing line in sight. That means a lot of work to do. I really got set back by the sickness this month, still am, in fact. I did what I promised, called the doc, and I’ll see him tomorrow afternoon for some...
Day 83: Fuller

Day 83: Fuller

I was feeling empty today, the last couple days, really. Mostly, the sickness of 2014. But, also just feeling the momentum stalled. Sitting around rather than taking action, which always just leads to despair. But right now, I feel full. Also, a weird mix between...