Glory 3: Humanity’s Warriors is OUT NOW!

Book 3 in the Glory series is out now for purchase and Kindle Unlimited. Super excited about this release--it was such a pleasure to write this one! More action. More intrigue. More epic space battles. Here's the blurb, and link to go and get it for yourself. I hope...

One Book To $10K

Happy new year! 2022 was a significant year for me as an author, a stepping-stone year. I learned some things that some of you may find interesting and hopefully helpful. Most notably: My co-writer and I published a first-in-series at the very end of 2021, and we saw...

Luke Daniels Signs On To Glory Audiobooks

Luke Daniels, one of the preeminent audiobook narrators in the SciFi space with credits including Marko Kloos' blockbuster Terms of Enlistment series and classics suck as Phillip K. Dick, has signed on to narrate the Glory audiobooks, which are forthcoming from Podium...

Two Guys One Trek Season 4 is LIVE!

Star Trek gets ANIMATED! We're so pleased and excited to announce that the fourth season of Two Guys One Trek has begun! We're doing this season a little differently: An episode from Star Trek: The Animated Series will be released every Monday this summer, starting...

Starstuff Live!

I’m reading my book Starstuff each day on Facebook Live! That’s right, from beginning to end. You can check them out every day from not until I finish over on my facebook author page here. I’m also recording those live sessions, and posting them to...

NEW RELEASE: “Starstuff” is now available!

Finally finally finally...the day has come. "Starstuff" is out today in eBook and Paperback on Amazon. For a LIMITED TIME it's going to be 99c, so if you're on the fence about when to snag it, get it now. Although I'm sure I will run more sporadic promos over the life...

 Daily Blogs

Day 4,003: Apple ID

Day 4,003: Apple ID

What makes a good neighbor? It’s pretty easy to be a good neighbor as far as I go: just keep mostly to yourself. As in, you handle your business. Your responsibilities are something you take pride in, and you make sure your affairs are sorted to the best of your...

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Day 4,002: Keep To Right

Day 4,002: Keep To Right

What could I try for the first time? Modeling. No, not the take-pictures-of-me kind; I mean the plastic kits, glue and painting kind. I have the gear for it. I bought it all four years ago. But I haven’t used it yet. I really want to. Honestly, I’m scared, though. Not...

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Day 4,001: Stinky Butt

Day 4,001: Stinky Butt

What have I been putting off doing? That’s the Wordpress prompt today. Daily question. I’ll give it a try. Not sure if I’ll stick with Wordpress’s prompts, but it works for tonight since I haven’t looked up anything else yet. I’ve been putting off doing SO MUCH. The...

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Abandoned on a backwater planet.

He dreams of traveling the stars.

One boy must cross the galaxy to save the father he never knew…