Day 806: Draft Two

Day 806: Draft Two

A fully revised draft, line-edits and all…was completed tonight. Halleloo. This short story, like I wrote about the other night at length, has been an exercise in figuring out my process. I haven’t re-written something to this extent since…probably...
Day 775: This is good

Day 775: This is good

Artwork tonight from Bettina von Armin I had a really good day today. I’m feeling GOOD, you guys. I feel focused. Determined. The “end” in sight, and then some time off to spend with loved ones. The end of this first draft is now in sight, too. It...
Day 409: Cruising Speed

Day 409: Cruising Speed

I’m at altitude, cruising along. It was a rough one today, don’t get me wrong, but I got my shit done. I was tiiiirrrrreeedddd. Didn’t get enough sleep because we had a worker come by at 7:30 in the AM to get into a unit for some work. Early mornings...
Day 219: Taking Time

Day 219: Taking Time

So…today ended up being a normal 6 pages, which I *just* finished. But, they did get done, and I’m still so FREAKING close to finishing this thing. I had to stop, tonight, right in the middle of this final showdown.] The villain is monologuing right now. I...
Day 199: So much today

Day 199: So much today

Seriously, so much happened today 😛 Nothing like major, or breakthrough, or groundbreaking. It was just a busy day of good stuff. And it’s already 1am, and I have work tomorrow. So. It has to be a quick entry, unfortunately. I did some apartment stuff, got my...