Day 2,650: Sleeeep

Day 2,650: Sleeeep

Had another pretty low key day off. Didn’t do much except figure out the rest of the spending for the month, which was a win. We have a budget! We’re going to keep it! Or…rather, we’re going to keep TRACK of it, anyway. Budgets are hard to stay within, for sure,...
Day 2,649: To the future, Josh

Day 2,649: To the future, Josh

I have some goals this year. That feels really, really nice. I’m already accomplishing a couple of them…but this is going to be a good year. I can just feel it. I’m in the right headspace, and it’s been a while since I felt that. More bold. Less hesitant. Less...
Day 2,648: Button Nose

Day 2,648: Button Nose

Y’all…I am beat. I am SO CLOSE to finishing this work project, in the very last stretch now…and things keep going wrong. It is TRYIN ME. But…I shall prevail. I still have enough time to get it all done…I just like not having to use my “overflow...
Day 2,647: Wet

Day 2,647: Wet

It’s raining outside, and the Coco is licking my arm as I write this. It’s a wet night! I’m definitely getting close to finishing this work project because I am READY to be done with it. More computer snafus today. Or, rather, not with my computer, but with the stuff...
Day 2,646: Cookin

Day 2,646: Cookin

I’m cookin this week. I’m getting stuff done, and feeling very happy with myself about it. I had stuff to go do early this morning, and I knew if I didn’t get my writing done BEFORE I went to go do that stuff, I wouldn’t do my writing. So… …I got up early...