Day 49: One more day

One of those bullshit quick entries today, but it’s only because I’ve handled my business. Got all the work done I needed to, all that stands between me and victory for 2013 is 9 hours of work tomorrow and a trip into hollywood to meet the guy who created...
Day 48: The working man

Day 48: The working man

Phew. Today was epic. Very very looooong day. The Ho slept in, so Coops and I spent the morning together. He didn’t get his walk because I knew we were going to Agility class, and we’ve found that if we walk him on the morning of agility, he gets tired...
Day 47: Man of Steel

Day 47: Man of Steel

Again, I know this one’s been out for a while, but it just came on blu-ray and so the Ho and I decided to snuggle up and watch it. First off, some of the action sequences were sooooo much fun. The one in Smallville and the final showdown in Metropolis in...
Day 46: Deep Sleep

Day 46: Deep Sleep

Got up today an hour later than I’d set my alarm…yes, I’ve been doing this a lot lately. It’s just so *glorious* to sleep in for an extra hour! I am one of those people who loves sleep. It’s true, I really do. And, not everyone does love...