Day 81: Oblivion

Day 81: Oblivion

I feel like this movie has a bad rap. Maybe it’s the just few people I talked to personally, but I seem to remember reading disfavorable reviews out there too. I’m not sure why. The star of the movie, granted, are the visuals. It’s GORGEOUS....
Day 80: Dying

Day 80: Dying

Guys, I’m dying. Falling apart. So, first it was my neck, then my allergies started going crazy. Now, it seems, I’ve managed to scratch the cornea of my right eye somehow, and it’s all bananas. To boot, I have just been feeling exhausted lately. Ever...
Day 79: Writing storm

Day 79: Writing storm

Okay, so it wasn’t quite a “writing storm” today, but it WAS a day that I nailed my goal for sitting down and actually putting words to paper…or a screen as the case may be. It’s the first time that’s happened in a very very long...
Day 78: Freezing up

Day 78: Freezing up

That’s what my neck muscles are doing to me right now, damn them. I don’t think I mentioned it yesterday, but I somehow slept weird the night before and had some decent pain and stiffness the following morning. Then, I took a stress-release nap yesterday...