Day 112: Fluff

Day 112: Fluff

Looking right now at the Coops, curled up down by my feet. He’s so fluffy. I love it when his hair is long like this. He always shakes himself out whenever he’s been lying down, or petted, and it poofs up really big and fluffy. . I suppose I’m...
Day 111: Binary

Day 111: Binary

That’s a lot of 1’s up there, eh? 🙂 111. It’s a cool number, and it won’t happen again for ANOTHER 111 days. Seems so far off at this point. I wonder what I’ll be doing on day number 222. Right now Liz is reading to me from Wikipedia...

Day 110: It’s Back

The sickness 🙁 Reaaalllyyy hoping this time it’s for just today. I missed the opportunity to catch up on my work and to go out tonight with Liz for this monthly square dancing event that we’ve both been looking forward to. Ugh. That’s all for...
Day 109: Be Mine

Day 109: Be Mine

Happy Valentine’s Day everybody! Or, as the Ho and I took to today, Happy Venereal Disease. You know, V-day…VD…our twisted minds run wild. That’s how we roll. Totally a scattered day today, which puts me behind on the editing work. I know I...