Some wind back in my sails for my pilot. Some new ideas that I’m really excited about, and I have to say, much credit to Liz tonight for providing my muse. She shared a music video called “Chandelier” by an Australian artist named Sia that’s pretty fucking amazing right before I sat down to write, and I just kind of got in the mood, I guess. Has this 12 year-old dancing in it who’s rather incredible. I highly recommend checking it out.
Some dope shit came out tonight, and more to write tomorrow about a character I really didn’t know what to do with, but is now becoming more and more clear and kind of bad ass. Future places to go with him, some literary, or at least historical, background..and I’m always a sucker for that kind of stuff.
It’s the second Greek reference in my pilot, which I didn’t actually realize until just now. I guess that’s kind of cool. Back to Basics kind of thing. There was a lot of fundamental stuff that those guys were figuring out back then about what it meant to be alive and human. That’s always good stuff when you’re talking about sentient robots.
I just had to take a break to write some thoughts down on my word document that I keep a running tab on for what needs to be gone back and changed, or stuff I don’t want to forget. Handy little thing, that, which I’ve found out from going to these writing panels is really common amongst other writers. It’s definitely something new. I didn’t used to do it that way. I’d plan everything out to the smallest detail on an outline, and then write from that. When I’ve lived an entire story inside my head like that, it persists for a very long time with the aid of an outline. I sometimes wish I’d done that with this script, but it just wasn’t working that way, and I needed to get it out, and with some more form.
I’m pretty happy with how it’s working, honestly. It’s very different, but it’s working.
Got my work done today, too. It was a productive day. Got to have another one tomorrow, and the day afterwards.
Seriously, Sia has an incredible voice. Like, legit. I’ve heard her before, but I never really paid attention that much. Well, I am now, and I’m a fan. I read about her background and history, and the props continue to grow in my estimation.
Hard work, guys. That’s the key it seems. That, and wind in our sails.
Till tomorrow 😉