Day 205: Six Pages

Day 205: Six Pages

That’s what I just finished writing in the last hour. Six pages. I definitely find that I write best at night. I really don’t know why that is, but it is absolutely when my creative imagination kicks in, and I can sit down, at least for spurts at a time,...
Day 204: Climbing

Day 204: Climbing

I almost titled today’s entry “blistered,” since that’s how my hands feel at the moment, but then I decided that would be entirely too whiny. And no one likes a whiner, least of all this guy (picture me pointing at myself with blistered hands)....
Day 203: Da Workout

Day 203: Da Workout

So sore right now, as I sit here in bed. Today was really Day 1 of the workout routine. Last week was really just kind of a let’s-see-how-this-goes sort of thing, if only because I then didn’t work out again that week. This week, I’m starting right,...
Day 202: Contentedness

Day 202: Contentedness

BIG SIGH. Today was a good day. It wasn’t a rock star day, to be sure, but it was a GOOD day. And, right now, with the Coops at my feet being all snuggly, 17 minutes of editing in the can, and a scheduled day set up tomorrow…I just feel very content....
Day 201: Recharging

Day 201: Recharging

It happened a little today. Just enough, methinks, for a productive day tomorrow. I took the whole day off. I actually enjoyed myself. I hung out with the Coops, and we had a good time. Took the Ho out to Burbank to pick up her rental car for the trip out to Vegas,...