
Worked today. Got back into the swing of it. That gets easier and easier, which is such a relief 😛 Not so not all that long ago.

Liz’s mom came into town today, she has a workshop over in Culver City with an improv guru. I got to pick her up from the airport today, and I brought the Coops along to welcome her to LA. He loves her 😛

Coops has recently become so much more comfortable taking car rides. I honestly don’t think it’s anything that we put out there for him energy-wise. I think it’s a decision he made on his own. That the unsteady feeling of a car in motion is not actually that scary after all. I wonder, too, if it has to do with some of the tricks training we’ve been doing with him; one such trick being with a skateboard in motion…and he’s picking that up super well.

He’s falling asleep right now waiting for his treat in his carrier. We bought a carrier for him to take him out to Hawaii for the weddins, and it’s enough in advance that we can ease him into it. For the first month or so we’ve had it, we had it out in the living room and put his food bowl inside of it for meal times. Then, once he was associating it with food, we moved into the bedroom where he kennel would normally hang out at night, and where he gets his nighttime treat. After a couple weeks now, he’s going into it on his own, and even falling asleep inside of it waiting for a treat to signal that it’s finally bed time.

And, that’s where we find him at the moment.

Tomorrow looks like it’s shaping up to be a pretty full day. Some chauffeuring to do, some exercise, meeting with a friend, and work. Half day of work, but you add in all that other stuff, and that’s a pretty damn full day. Then, another half day on Sunday, and blam-o, I’m almost completely caught back up for the month. Just a couple more half-days in between my normal work days, and I’ll finish the month right on time.

It’s not even a question anymore. I have complete confidence it will happen. It’s the same thing with my writing. It’s just this feeling of being calm and in control. Nothing spins me outside of that too far these days. I’m resolute.


I just figured out when my writing hour tomorrow is going to happen.

The outlining continues. I have my work cut out for me before the July 1st deadline that I’d rrreeeaaalllyyyy like to meet. Just gotta keep my head down, and get this shit done. I took my week break from it, even though I’d rather not have, but I did. And, now it’s time to get back to it. Grind it out. Finish this step, so I can move it on to the next, and get my novel project off the ground.

That’s exciting. I can’t wait. It’s going to be a grrrinnnddd I’m sure, getting back into writing true prose, but man, it was my first love. I’m looking forward to it. Be as damn well flowery as I freaking want to be.

Okay, I’m actually super freaking tired right now 😛

It was a long day, as these “editing” days always are. I will see you guys tomorrow.

Ps – have you been keeping up with me on the ol’ Instagram. I started this “post a picture ever day for a month” challenge-thingy June 1st, and I haven’t missed a single day. I love it, too, just like I thought I might. Another way to mark the passage of time, and to instantly be able to remember “where and what” just by looking at a photo and the date. Love it. Check it out!