Day 267: It’s not how you begin…

Day 267: It’s not how you begin…

Today was a trying one. Anyone who’s lived out here in Hollywood can attest to having one of these days. I’m not going to go into all of the sordid details – there aren’t really any, in truth, it’s very much a matter of what happens up in...
Day 266: Artpop

Day 266: Artpop

The Ho and I went to go see Lady Gaga tonight at the Staples center. I was thoroughly entertained, as usual. And, right now, I am freaking exhausted. Liz didn’t love this show as much as she has others. For me, it was pretty much the same, and I had a good time....
Day 265: The G**mer

Day 265: The G**mer

I’m reading a script right now for a certain straight-to-DVD franchise. It’s for an audition on Tuesday, and oh, I wish I could write more about it here, but I can’t. This being a public blog and all. It’s pretty entertaining, though. I do...
Day 264: The Cloud

Day 264: The Cloud

I was just marveling at how freaking cool “the cloud” is these days. Believe it or not, I’ve actually been working with various “clouds” for a long time. Very early on, my work with Frisky Records involved working with online documents....
Day 263: Time is on my side

Day 263: Time is on my side

Tiiiiiiiiiiime is on my side, yes it is! Oh, tiiiiiiiiiime is on my side, yes it is! That song is floating through my head tonight, and I can’t really tell you why, except for the fact that I was just lying down into bed thinking about how different my...