I loved palindromes. And, no, stupids, it’s not some crazy word for Sarah Palin. No idea if anyone thought that even for a second, I just saw “palin” in the word as I typed it out, and so I barfed it onto the page.
You know what’s bullshit about palindromes? That “palindrome” isn’t one. That would be the word emordnilap, which even *sounds* like it’s supposed to be another word, but it’s backwards.
The longest palindrome I know is “was it a rat i saw”…go ahead. Work it out. It’s totally a palindrome.
But, enough about word stuff. How was my day? Hijacked, a bit. I can’t really use that word since I *knew* I had all the stuff to do, I just didn’t realize how much it all really was, and that it was going to take more than half my day to do it. Whatever. It is what it is. It was going to stress me out waaaaay more to try to put it off and spread it all out through the day and still get editing work done, which was the plan going in. In hindsight, there’s no way that would have ever worked. There was simply too much to do.
It was paperwork, maintenance, notices for inspections, a leaking fountain in the courtyard, showings, voicemails…it was a lot.
And here is where I have to give massive props to the Ho. She *totally* stepped up and handled the apartment showings today, which would have completely overwhelmed me. It was a massive help, and I don’t just say that because she’ll probably read this – it’s true. Saved me ass today. Like usual.
AND, I still got more than a half-days’ work in, which I plan to finish tomorrow in relatively short order. It could easily have been a total disaster today, and it wasn’t. I feel very grateful for that. These crazy days, which there will be more of, I just need to hang in there, get done as much as I can without overwhelming myself, and I won’t find myself too far behind.
Such is the life of the self-employed, people! It’s *almost* as exhausting as working for someone else. Not quite, but almost.
We plowed through more of Agents of Shield, which is finally far more interesting than it was to begin with. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still way too tame and boring in comparison to the really good stuff on television these days…but…it is *better*. And, I do think it’s really cool that they’re tying in what happened with the last Captain America movie. There have been other TV shows with movies that come out at the same time (X-Files comes to mind), but I never seen anything quite like they’re doing right now in the Marvel universe. The TV show was quite literally happening at the same time that the movie was. Same story. Different (and cheaper) point of view. It’s fun. We have three episodes left. We’ll be done tomorrow or Thursday, most likely. And then, we can jump into Boardwalk and Homeland. We’ll see if those two are any good. Homeland has jumped the shark, as we’ve talked about on this very blog, and Boardwalk was a bit of a let-down after the previous season’s incredible-ness…but it’s on its last season now, so we’ll see what they got.
That’s all for tonight. A’s lost. What else is new. I listened while I worked. Tomorrow is an “off” day. Catch-up to do with the editing because of the crazy week, a couple showings and maintenance stuff, we meet a potential pup-mate for the Coops, and I’d really like to buy myself a new office chair. My current one is actually falling apart. It’s time.
It’s also time for snoozies. Hail Hydra!