Quick one tonight. It’s already 1:31 in the AM, but I got my retrospective done. It was a thorough jaunt through last year, I’ll say that, and much less emotional than the previous years’. But, I don’t know how I would have possible made it any less long, to be honest. SO MUCH HAPPENED last year.
I feel extremely proud of 2014. I got the closest to the man that i’ve always wanted to be last year. It was a lot of really hard work, but I loved it. I really did. I loved every second of it. I’ll never forget 2014. I hope 2015 is more of the same.
Today, I *think* I got our last open unit rented. We’ll see if the guy actually signs the lease. I never breathe easy until that happens. I think this guy will, though. He’s already put in a 30-day notice.
I also watched the first two parts of the Ascension miniseries. They made a really, really stupid choice at the end of the first part, and I’m now just watching the rest because it’s recorded. The spaceship isn’t real. Such a stupid, stupid choice.
I also took a massive three hour nap, and I intend to the same over the weekend, and probably throughout next week as well before I go back to work. That threatened to derail my directive to finish this retrospective tonight, but I powered through, and I get to sleep in tomorrow.
I’m going to take this whole “rest” thing more seriously over the next several days. I really need to, I think my health depends on it, at least in the early goings of this year. I don’t want to spend January and February sick like last year. I mean, if that’s what happens, so be it, but I don’t think it needs to be that way.
Anyway, good night y’all. I will see you tomorrow for more shenanigans.
Tonight’s artwork is by Darrell K, and it’s amazing. Action packed!