The novel…it’s *almost* been read through and cursory-edited. And, I do mean cursory. I have my own more extensive rewrite notes already, but I’m holding off on doing anything too major until I let a couple people read it and give feedback. Rewrites! It’s where the true story-telling happens, folks.
Oh, I wanted to get so much done today, and it largely didn’t happen. I just ran out of time. There was a fiasco involving leaving my wedding ring at the tennis courts with no car at my disposal to race back there and get it before someone else came along and was like “hey! shiny!” Then there was the much-more-fun impromptu dinner with a friend from out of town. That was super fun. I am a bourbon-drinker, ladies and gents. At least at the moment. It’s my whisky of choice. Fuck scotch. I think that shit’s nasty.
So, cleaning of the house will have to happen tomorrow, unfortunately. As will finishing the read/edit of my book. I’m going to go plan that out right now, in fact. Oh! And also picking my car up from the shop…which I was also supposed to do today and totally spaced that shit. Then, it’s a work day on Saturday, and another “day off” on Sunday. I swear to motherfucking god, my “days off” for the past several weeks have been packed full of so much shit…thing is, 75% of that is GOOD shit that I want to be doing and yes, even CHOSE to do…but it does definitely make everything feel a little bit hectic.
I’m going to shut this blogging down right now and go back and see if I can’t get another 20 pages or so knocked out on the novel. Love you all!