Day 500: Halfway to triple-Os

Day 500: Halfway to triple-Os

Five hundred days. 500. Half way to 1,000. That’s honestly what it feels like right now, halfway. I’m finally feeling like I’m not in the beginning of my journey any longer…at least the very beginning. Yeah, so perhaps “halfway”...
Day 499: The cup is half full

Day 499: The cup is half full

Tonght’s artwork is from David Hardy. I ground it out tody, y’all. A full day of work. There were distractions, oh there were. But the Ho pitched in like a boss and walked the pups, and I was determined to reach the finish line. Now, I just have to gut out...
Day 498: Hijacking

Day 498: Hijacking

There was a hijacking afoot today. Very draining day, filled with work drama. It would seem, however, that the drama has been curbed. I hope so, anyway. I didn’t get any work done. I could have towards the end of the day, but I was so wiped out from that...
Day 497: Oh, my job

Day 497: Oh, my job

Artwork tonight from Evgeny Katin It was a great day today, I got a *shit* ton done – groceries, cleaned the water fountain, vacuumed, finally watched Maze Runner, which a friend of mine is in, balanced the checking and savings accounts, finished our health care...
Day 496: Here’s to women

Day 496: Here’s to women

International women’s day today…it’s a bit heartbreaking for me to think that such a day is simultaneously a celebration of the sex that literally brought every single one of us into this world, and a day where sexism is something we’re made...