Day 539: Keeping the faith

Day 539: Keeping the faith

Some really cool ground-to-orbit stuff from Oliver Pron, which I believe was concept stuff for Jupiter Ascending. The work queues are empty right now. I *do* have about two hours of work for me tomorrowing morning to start off with, and that should be enough time...
Day 538: Lazzzyyyy Sunday

Day 538: Lazzzyyyy Sunday

Cool stuff tonight from Chris Moore. Today was such a “normal” Sunday, it felt completely alien. I haven’t had one in quite a while, actually. Working, or doing various social things, or whatever…it’s been a long time since I had a...
Day 537: Business Relationships

Day 537: Business Relationships

Artwork tonight from Bob Eggleton, reminding all of us to blast off! I went to a WGA Foundation event today all day. It was four panels of people in the “business,” writing TV shows. What I want to do. The last time I went and saw one of those panels, I...
Day 536: Writies and Golfies

Day 536: Writies and Golfies

I had two stories today:The first was a proper sit-down for writing. Pages were WRITTEN motherfuckers. Oh, they were writ-ten! I still feel much editing needs to be done with it, but that’s not actually the point of this particular writing session. There’s...
Day 535: An Hour a Day…

Day 535: An Hour a Day…

A very Trantor-esque piece tonight from Keiko Takemiya. I did my hour of writing today. For the first time in a week. What a struggle it has been these past, oh, six weeks or so! Such a struggle to sit down for one measly hour a day and do what it is I profess to want...