Tonight’s artwork is SUCH A COOL DUNE piece, although it is unfortunately uncredited. Didn’t get much done today 😛 BUT, my brother came into town, that wrecking ball sonofanamazinglady (see what I did there?) My brother Seth is one of the few people I know...
Artwork tonight by Fred Gambino…pretty sure that’s Mercury right there, all hot and shit. Like a boss.Today was the first of 6 days “off.” Holy SHYTE BALLS am I excited to have some days away from the editing grind, and more in touch with...
A perfect example of just how much of an elevated experience it can be when rap meets good production. Biggie sounds so fucking crisp, and contemporary and just dope…it makes me very, very sad that he’s gone. It makes me think about how talented he really...
Man, what a day today. It was one intense event after another. Fo reals. I wish I could talk about it all with details, but not only is it 2am currently, it also involved a few areas which would be wholly inappropriate to share with the general public. Suffice it to...
Ahhh! No credit on tonight’s artwork, but it is awesome! I love ships in deep space like this. So cool! I’m doing this blog entry so early tonight! It’s a christmas miracle. The other night, Liz was trying to convince me that I use the phrase...