Full disclosure: the title for tonight’s blog may or may not have any actual bearing on the days’ events. It just…happened…so the best bet is on the NOT having any actual bearing…
It was a fairly busy day, to be honest, but helped immensely by a solid hour and a half nap with the Ho in the den. See, we had house guests a few days ago, and we set up the air matress for them with the memory foam pad on it, which makes that bed pretty freaking comfortable. The Ho and I took a nap on it today, because it felt fun and exotic. We got to lay down and have the window open and see the trees and the blue sky outside.
We also went down to Redondo beach for the shih tzu meetup that’s been in the works for the past several weeks now. It’s always a blast, today was no exception. Shih Tzus from *everywhere*, including someone that came all the way from Napa, and another that came from Las Vegas. That was Odie’s owner…Odie is blind, and also adorable. He was definitely a little stressed out by the whole affair, he spent a lot of time in the middle of the room just sorta sniffing and barking every so often when another dog got too close…but it hwas also super good for him, she was saying. He needs to come out and experience these things, be around other dogs, get used to it. I thought he was very sweet.
The Ho just asked me if a cold shower would really help a guy get rid of an erection. I told her it was definitely possible – swimming pools will make that shit shrivel right up, indeed, so I don’t see how a cold shower wouldn’t do the exact same thing.
I finished my editing work for the month of July today. It’s actually a couple minutes short, but I’m done. Those couple minutes aren’t worth the headache, and August is going to be challenge enough as it is without starting “behind.” Any breaks I get with easy lessons from here on out will surely be needed for August, not last month.
July was indeed the single most work-productive month I’ve ever had. Ever. Writing included in the sum total. Very proud, and very satisfied with that. It’ll also be the most productive month of this entire year, I do believe. That is, unless plans change. Which, they might. But, I don’t think so. I like my plan. I was so angsty about my plan just a month ago, it seems…feeling stuck and frustrated…but I got some good feedback on my writing, and I got a shit ton of editing done, and now the plan doesn’t feel so bad.
It’s all a process, guys. And it happens day to day. There’s no point to any of it if we can’t find a way to make the day-to-day enjoyable. I’m starting to find that again. It’s about goddamn time 😛
Started the video blogging again, too, which you can check out over at youtube.com/irachannel. Not sure if I’m going to also embed them onto here, but we’ll see. It’s definitely the right month to do it…gonna be crazy, folks.
Sleep time!