Day 671: Let the games begin

Day 671: Let the games begin

So…was today a crazy rousing success story to be told for years to come…? No. But, it WAS exactly what I needed it to be, which was juuuuust enough to set me up for success when I get home from this brief little vacay. Watched some Voyager…I’m...
Day 670: Workin in a coal mine

Day 670: Workin in a coal mine

Goin down down. My favorite part of that song is how happy Devo sounds when somebody falls down. In a mine. Worked today. It’s almost 1am already, which means sleepy times are needed. I don’t feel tired, which I suppose is good, because I have my freaking...
Day 659: Quickie

Day 659: Quickie

Today was a solid day. Got all my work done. Finished about two hours later than I’d hoped…but it was done. JUST enough wiggle room. 26 minutes done. It’s after 1am and the stress level is high. But it’s two more days of work. That’s it....
Day 658: Fail whale

Day 658: Fail whale

Ugh. I hate these days. I hate that I have about two of them a month…pretty consistently, too. It sucks. The one consolation is that they usually seem to be a wake up call and my work days thereafter are pretty solid. Today’s, I suppose, wasn’t a...