Awesome intraplanetary artwork tonight from David A. Hardy
Two hours of writing today…2/3 of the way through this Icarus outline, and I started my Trek short story. Pretty sure the latter is going to be completely rewritten as early as tomorrow, but STILL. I wouldn’t know what to rewrite without having written what I wrote today. Gold star if that last sentence made any sense to you.
I’m feeling it, you guys…the groove. At the very least, I’m feeling that I’m leaving behind the feelings of self-doubt and paralysis, and that I’m stepping into a phase where I know what projects lie before me, and I know what work needs to be done to move them along. It’s a good feeling.
Watched the rest of 50 Shades of Gray today with the Ho. My biggest criticism, which is no surprise whatsoever given what I went in knowing about the plot…my biggest criticism was that it was boring. There’s nothing to drive the plot, really, except for the sex…which therefore becomes a bit monotonous after the second scene or so. I mean, I get it after the first or second time: the guy likes to get kinky. I don’t know how that has to necessarily be connected to anything other than personal sexual appetite. Why does that tantalize me that there’s some hidden mystery that remotely needs to be explored? And the main character suffers from even MORE boring choices. But, again…I knew these problems would be there going in because of the Ho. I wasn’t surprised. Which is another way to state my aforementioned biggest criticism.
If anyone wants to see a BDSM movie that’s *actually* sexy as fuck…watch Maggie Gyllenhall and James Spader (during his pre-fat days) go at it in Secretary. Now, *that’s* some badass shit right there. But, hey…it certainly didn’t make $600 million at the box office, so what do I know. I’m a dude.
I also watched about 3/4 of this movie on the drug activities in Miami from the mid 70s into the late 80s called Cocaine Cowboys which was pretty interesting. Apparently, the original cut of the movie came out in 2006; this version is called “Reloaded” and I’m guessing is more of a director’s or extended cut, because it is definitely interesting but holy shyte is it looooooong. Crazy stuff, tho. Not a time I think I’d want to have been living in Miami, that’s for sure.
The Blue Jays won today, which gets them a plane ticket back to KC, where I’m pretty sure they’re going to immediately cough up a loss and be eliminated. Makes me sound like a big Toronto fan…but I’m not. I just reeeaalllyyy don’t want the Royals to win a world series. It just wouldn’t be fair from my point of view. As in, what do they have that the A’s haven’t got? My A’s, who have been better than them for like 20 years, then suddenly they go and win a world series. Fuck that shit. We’ll see what happens tho…
I think the Cubs got swept tonight, too, in the NLCS…which is a shame given that today was the day that Marty McFly travels forward in time to and sees that the Cubbies won their world series finally. Yup. Just double-checked. They lost 8-3 to the Mets. Swept. Ouch. I really thought they had a chance when they knocked off the Cardinals in the NLDS. I thought that was the toughest team for sure…apparently not. Go Mets.
That’s all I got tonight. Work for the next two days, which will be a challenge, but I can do it. And more writing. MORE WRITING. Good stuff today 🙂