I’m wiped out.
Day started early. I went over the hill to the Netflix offices in Beverly Hills…because I’m now doing contract work for them. That’s the new gig! Exciting, right? It’s definitely been a while coming, but good things come to those who wait, my friends. I put it out there that I was interested, and I responded whenever there was a position available; it paid off, and I couldn’t be more excited 🙂
All told, I’m sure it’s going to be fairly boring, tedious work…but it’s a place to start and grow from, and it’s a job. I talked it about it last night, having a reliable source of income is essential for anyone delving into the creative world. Bills have to be paid, y’all. They have to be paid.
So, it was orientation in the morning, which got me and another guy being brought on our bearings, the lay of the land, and some best practices to follow, a little food which was amazingly generous, and some catching up with a friend of mine I haven’t been able to see much of lately. He’s been busy, and understandably so 😛 New house, new job, two kids…full plate to say the least.
Then I returned home and did some follow-up stuff for the ‘Flix, some apartment stuff, and then some sendbacks…and all the sudden I’d blinked my eyes and it was 3:30pm. Tried to take a nap with the Ho, but that didn’t work out, and so I fed the dogs and then fed myself. We walked, came home, I made myself some food and I watched Nightcrawler, which was surprisingly fucking great. I did not think I was going to like that movie, you guys…I really didn’t. But I did. It was exciting. And Jake Gyllenhall was legitimately great. There were parts here and there that were overdone, or didn’t ring true…but the movie had it where it counted, and I felt like the scenes that were supposed to be tense and edge of your seat were exactly that.
That’s two movies on my two days off. I’m back in the game. Got behind on my “watch 100 movies in a calendar year,” but I’m within striking distance. It can be done!
I hope I’m not too tired tomorrow, but we’ll see. My day will beslightly hijacked work-wise because it’s Wolfie’s birthday party, but that’s okay. Life happens, yo. You have to embrace it.
More tomorrow…along with some planning/strategizing on my next couple days off. Things to do, guys, things to do. Pilot to “finish,” novel to rewrite, sequel of that novel to write, and I think TWO more book series to start…my gnome series, and a novel form of my pilot. That’s not counting the two short stories I’ve started. Finishing, guys…that’s the trick. FINISHING.
Catch you tomorrow 😉