Uncredited artwork tonight, and I love it!
Starting tonight’s blog not sure what the title is going to be. It was a fairly mundane day. I wrote, I worked, I played about 45 minutes of skyrim…
It was a tough day mood-wise, actually. I don’t know how to explain it, I felt all day like there was something I was forgetting to do. That “floating anxiety” that psychologists say is so not-good…I’m not sure why, except that I’m still getting used to this new work schedule and work flow. Everything feels different, you know?
I’m also getting used to this new office.
See…this self-awareness about my reaction to change is new. It makes me wonder if I’v always operated this way, or if this is something new. The daily check-ins and tracking of my mood and feelings is definitely new. A very useful part of writing a journal entry every day. But, yeah…change really tends to stress me out, I guess.
I wish it didn’t. These are without question GOOD changes…and yet my mood and level of calm suffers nonetheless. Bullshit, I say.
See, that’s gotta be it, right? Today was my first work day in my new office. Could it really be something as simple as that? I suppose it could.
I will say this: it didn’t affect my productiveness. I got my writing done, and a SOLID writing session at that. A really good scene. And I rocked the work day, too and finished early enough to take it easy before bed. I haven’t had one of those days where I have to work right up until 11:30 at night in forever…I mean, that’s *huge*. And maybe I need to remind myself of these things when my mood isn’t matching my productivity.
Whatever…I’m going to stop dwelling on it right now. Move onto other thoughts.
I have a meeting to go over the hill for tomorrow, which throws a monkey wrench in the day as a work day, but I’ll figure it out. I have faith of the heart (that’s an Enterprise joke right there. Into season 3 of that fucking show right now). I think I can get my writing hour done before I leave. This draft of Icarus, without me going through and making cuts, is going to be 10 pages too long. I’m calling that right now. BUT…I think with some smart cutting, I can get that down to the right size. I *know* I can. And then I was thinking, I’m going to show it to two, *maybe* three people for notes, and then it is done, guys. Done. It will stand as a writing sample, and maybe be polished enough to enter into some competitions. Maybe I’ll write another next year.
That’s a nice idea; two novels and a script every year. I can do that shit. Maybe throw in a Trek story or a short each year to boot. I need something to be writing during my outlining or rewriting periods anyway, right? Right.
Played a bit of Skyrim. Didn’t do any quest stuff, just worked on my armor, grabbed some gold here and there…that kind of stuff. I want to buy a house, I realized. So I can store shit. I also have a bed to sleep in that way. Thoughts, guys, thoughts. It’s a fun game. I’m happy to be playing it. Had a tiny little pour of buorbon and some Keedem biscuits, too. My reward for the days where I finish all my work early.
Okay, y’all, it’s about to strike midnight on the clock. It’s time for the sleeps. Catch you tomorrow 😉