Today was a bust work-wise 😛

But not a catastrophic setback, guys! The beauty of this new “schedule” of two days on, two days off. If a day gets otherwise occupied, as today was, I just work the next day and still have a day off after that! I love it…

Had a meeting this morning over at the ‘Flix. Was very informative. Came home and helped the Ho with audition stuff and talking some other stuff through; not her and I stuff, *other* stuff. You know. Stuff.

Then she had class and I did some odds and ends and then plopped down on the couch and played Skyrim for about two hours…which I realized towards the end was too long. I get zombied out. No can-do, guys. It’s an hour to 90 minutes for me at a time. It’s already midnight, and I’m actually writing this on my computer in my NEW OFFICE. Same office as from the move a couple days ago…but it’s still new. And fresh. I love it. Did a little shopping for chairs tonight, too, and there are some options out there that won’t break the bank.

I have this area next to my desk that’s fairly open and the plan is to put a nice comfortable chair there, hopefully with an ottoman, where Liz can come and visit me when I’m working 🙂 and also where I can have a nice place to sit and write that’s not necessarily in front of my computer. A writing chair. A man can dream, guys.

And, see, the thing is…I know I’ll actually use it. I’m in a groove with the writing that I don’t think can be stopped…at least not for long, anyway. Especially writing prose, man…I just step into that river of words and float for a while. That’s not to say the words that come out are always as inspired or truthful as I want them to be…but I’m of the opinion or theory that it’s most important just to WRITE them.

I was thinking about that a lot today, actually. See…there are these two competing quotes from Hemmingway; one says that a writer should always be re-reading his work and editing before writing new words, and the second says that one should never be allowed to edit what they are writing until after it’s all written. Those are two diametrically opposed ideas. I feel like I’m the second kind of writer. I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but I think it’s who I am. My process is more fruitful and enjoyable when I’m just writing and not looking back. That part I feel like I figured out by getting the first novel done. The rewriting…well, that’s still a work in progress.

I suppose I should probably see this first novel through to the “end” before I make proclamations about my process, eh? That’s probably wise…

That’s all for tonight, guys. I’ll by saying life is intense, yo. At least it is some days more than others. Today, life was intense.