Man, an up and down day today. Right now as I sit here in bed, it’s definitely an up.

Twas supposed to be a full work day, but alas, that was not in the cards. I did, however, rally at the end and get some genuinely solid work done. I’m so bad at that, I feel like, the “rallying” on a day where things have gone sideways for whatever reason…but today I was able to do it.

I feel like things are starting to settle in with this new job, even though I’ve only been at it now for three weeks. It’s starting to feel like my feet are coming down and my new normal is kicking in. I’m going to like this job. I can feel it. It’s less exhausting work, and that’s a MAJOR win.

Another big win…the writing. It continues to be dynamite, you guys! I finished Act 3 today…”finished” meaning it’s been WRITTEN…not that it’s done. Written, and 2 pages UNDER what I had planned. Double whammy! The crowd goes wild! I tackle Act 4 tomorrow, hopefully finish that Sunday…by Tuesday or Wednesday next week, I could be actually fucking done with the grunt work on this draft and then just spend the next week tinkering and tightening.

I think that’s the new goal: have this draft polished up and finished for a very select feedback group by December 1st. Imminently doable as long as I take care of that writing hour first thing every day. I LOVE IT.

Then…it’s a dive right into reading Starstuff with a red pen and outlining for the next two books. Well, the outlining happens AFTER the Trek short gets written, revised, feedback-ed, and polished. I have my work cut out for me. That’s for goddamn sure.

So…it was a weird day, but a good day. For reals. Things are feeling good…falling into place. I just need a good productive day tomorrow, and a do-nothing day off on Sunday. Boom.

Good night y’all!