Day 619: Roll it out

Day 619: Roll it out

Fun space art tonight from Chelsey Bonestell I’d be willing to bet that anyone who works at a desk for any extended period of time has their back hurt after a while. It’s kind of inevitable, right? Like, we’re just not meant to be sitting around for...
Day 618: The Man who would be King

Day 618: The Man who would be King

I finished this adventure “classic” tonight…which is to say pretty much watched the whole thing 😛 I’d seen the first 30 minutes of it a couple days ago, so tonight was the remaining 90, essentially the whole story 😛 It was a lot of fun. I was...
Day 617: A quickie

Day 617: A quickie

This one tonight has to be a quick one, as it’s already 2am and I have to get up in the morning. Sad face. Today was a struggle work-wise. It is what it is. I get distracted by other things outside of my control, and I lose momentum. I wish I was more adept at...
Day 616: The mother of all hijackings…

Day 616: The mother of all hijackings…

Ya…so today as in work? Did not happen. At least not how I planned it. Instead, the mother of all plumbing jobs happened 😛 That’s slightly hyperbole. It was by no means the worst it could have been. Oh, no. It could have been way waaaay worse. As it was,...
Day 615: Pipes a burstin’

Day 615: Pipes a burstin’

Yeah, THAT happened today. A call from one of my tenants saying that his was was starting to bubble water. Not good. I had to turn the water off in the building because it was in the walls as opposed to right underneath someone’s drain…ie- it was in with...