I guess I should say it’s the “pre-attack” of the allergies. Like, they’re not quite in full force, but I’m definitely feeling it. Run down all day, had to take meds as soon as their dosage times were up…something’s definitely in the air. The past two days, actually, but I really felt it today. Gonna vacuum tomorrow.
I had a very, very productive day today. Shaved off TWO PAGES of the cold open / act 1 of Icarus today, AND had the Ho read it to see how things were flowing. She helped shave off the second page, had a couple other notes, and gave an overall thumbs up. She’s my first and last line of defense, yo. Making the Ho happy is priority number one, and I say that with complete sincerity – I find her taste in effective story-telling to be spot-on perfection. One of the reasons I’m so lucky to have married her. Love you bear 😉
So, yeah, that’s definitely sending me to bed feeling positive. Icarus is good, it’s already good…and this rewrite is clearly making it even better. Finally! Two years I will have spent on this pilot, on and off…which is obviously way WAY too long…but it was an education. Big time. I’ve learned A LOT from this whole experience, and it applies absolutely to the novel writing as well. It’s all the same stuff at the end of the day: who are these people, what do they want, how are they trying to get it, and what world are they living in? It’s making each scene really sizzle, and keeping the interest level of the reader up. That all applies to both writing for a screen, and writing for a novel.
Anywho, I think that’s it tonight. Got some apartment building stuff done. Have a little more of that tomorrow for a couple things. Oh! And I hung my artwork in my office today! That was awesome. It looks so good…I’m very, very happy. Excited to add to it all as well.
Good night, guys. Life is good.