by Ira | Feb 13, 2016 | Challenge, Journal
This week has definitely taken its toll on me 😛 Lots of editing work…I even hit a couple hours overtime, actually…major deadline for the writing-times…starting a new podcast with the Joshy Poo…Valentine’s Day tomorrow…it’s...
by Ira | Feb 12, 2016 | Challenge, Journal
Go see it! Ah…it was so much fun. First good movie of the year…I think…I also don’t know if I’ve gone and SEEN another movie this year 😛 But still! It was super fun. YES. Superhero movie fatigue is already here…yes, we’re all...
by Ira | Feb 11, 2016 | Challenge, Journal
Allergy apocalypse 2016 continues. BUT…at least the snot coming out is clear, y’all. No infections so far! I was also just thinking that it’s warm right now, which it is. I called our building’s AC repair guy to inquire as to whether or not it...
by Ira | Feb 10, 2016 | Challenge, Journal
The script and accompanying documents are in. I think I spent two weeks on them. WAY more than I thought, but what I realize now is that it was essentially a pitch document. That is an incredibly important skill to have…and I wouldn’t say that I *have*...
by Ira | Feb 9, 2016 | Challenge, Journal
Jesus. These allergies are out of control right now. Big time. I have developed a cough. What the fuck, right? Majorly drugged up right now…or at least I will be in a little bit. Have to stay ahead of these sinuses, you know? Keep shit from getting infected....