Oof. What a work day today…

‘Twas long, my dear readers. Long indeed. My head is swimming with stills of The Vampire Diaries and this Swedish soap opera about real estate…quite the mix.

I am *jonesing* right now to get back to writing. It’s been…five days. I’m dying.

But today was exactly what I needed it to be: a work day. The “work” work…the work that’s currently paying my bills. I’m just looking forward to getting back to the REAL work.

I jotted down a couple ideas for short stories, believe it or not, today. They’re. not SciFi or adventure stories either. They’re very much of-this-earth…and kind of melancholy, actually. I was just inspired by a couple podcast stories I listened to, and they sprang into my mind. It was three short story ideas…well, two formed ideas and one more nebulous concept. They were each kind of centered around small-town life, something of which I was exposed to as a youngster.

Man…that’s all I got tonight. I’m exhausted. Tomorrow is a long one, folks 😛 See you on the flip!