This dude needs a shower, y’all. Real talk. Not happening tonight, tho. Too late now. Aren’t you glad you read this blog 😛
Well, it was another apartment day today, for the most part. The Ho and I rocked it out. A shit ton of showings, one actually put in an application so that was nice, and a bunch of maintenance stuff to boot. All the sudden, it was 5pm and I hadn’t done any reading on my novel. And I realized I hadn’t actually done any organizing to get that done either.
So, that’s what I did today – I’m all set up for tomorrow. All my tabs, all my pens, a notebook with the sections marked out already…man, hopefully I can read the entire thing tomorrow! I doubt it, though. I’m not especially fast at reading. I could be if I wanted to, but it’s not my normal style. I think it’s going to take me all day tomorrow, and all day Thursday to read the damn thing. But, we’ll see. My goal, actually, is to read the first two-thirds.
I was separating out my chapters tonight, and looking at what was on the page as I went along, and I remember how much fucking fun I had writing that damn book. Seriously. It was a completely different experience than writing Icarus. I think I should listen to that…embrace that, you know? Starstuff was the most ME of anything I’d ever created…lots of love and adventure poured into that book.
It’s still intimidating to read it, hence somewhat putting it off tonight when it became clear I was NOT going to have today to read it…but that’s not happening tomorrow. Nope. Not happening. Tomorrow, goddamnit, I am reading that fucking book and getting my notes in order. So, to be honest, I’m also quite excited. Feel a bit like I’m coming home…
Coops and Coco are, of course, going to help me. They helped me today get all organized.
So, yeah, I organized for tomorrow, and then I went and balanced out the finances. We overspent in January and February. I mean, I knew that, but still…it’s good to look at the real solid numbers and know exactly where we stand. Have to work a bit extra in the meantime, but no biggie. We’re still in striking distance of being on track. As long as we keep an eye on things from here forward and as long as we get our work done when it needs to be…solid gold.
I’m feeling good, you guys. Mildly perturbed at myself for not getting actual reading done tonight, but mostly feeling like I’m about to dive off another cliff, and that’s exhilarating. The cure for the post-project depression really is very simple guys…start your next. It makes it all less intense; my hopes and dreams aren’t pinned to one thing…I get to live in the moment all over again with the next project.
That’s what I’ll leave you all with tonight. Hopes and Dreams. They’re my lifeblood. Yours too, probably. Wish me luck.