The Ho just confessed to me that she’s “crushing it” on the Candy Crush. Okay, so perhaps “confessing” wouldn’t quite be the word she’d use…but then again, now she’s sitting next to me saying “goddamnit” every couple seconds…
I worked today, all day. Still have a bit to do. Everything is taking a little longer than it should. I was going to get all worked up about it, but then I remembered that the entire point of taking a mental week or so “off” was to NOT get worked up.
This past week was not exactly what I’d been imagining, but I do think it’s having the right effect. I am starting to feel more like myself again, and feeling rather motivated again. So, with that in mind, Starstuff begins again tomorrow. I have some worksheets to do, and then we start with the actual rewrites.
Part of the anxiety of all that is definitely that I don’t really know how long it’s all going to take…but THAT’S why we do this, right guys? Gotta go through the process a couple times before we figure out how long shit takes, and what’s the best way to do things.
The Ho just reminded me to write about how we had to solve The Mystery of the Disappearing Coco today in the Ho-HEINICHEN household. For reals. Couldn’t find her. And we knew she was in the house *somewhere* because everything was closed. She was in the closet. Behind the sweaters and jackets. And, like, WAY back there because I had looked through those when we were walking around trying to figure out where she’d gone. Eventually, we called her, and she came traipsing out to say hi and get some belly rubs. She’s pressed up against my leg right now.
The Ho just reminded me also to talk about how she was coming home and saw a daschund walking around on the side of the road. His name was Chucky and he’d got out of his front yard and went exploring. He was returned, nary a hair on his head out of place, and all was well.
Guys…I’m also going to work out tomorrow. I almost wasn’t going to write about it tonight, since I’ve done that a couple times so far this year…but fuck it. This blog is about honesty. It’s frustrating that I’ve struggled with it, but it is HAPPENING tomorrow. I swear to baby Jesus.
Also, my Flix work will be finished tomorrow as well.
The Ho is reading through a top 10 guide to Harry Potter Land that she wrote for YOMYOMF. It’s (I think?) her first as a regular contributor on her own. That’s the same site that she’s written movie reviews for during the past few blockbuster seasons. Damn proud of her 🙂
Anywho, that’s all for tonight. Q2 is going to be fucking badass you guys. I’m crawling myself out from under the hole of all the work I need to *finish*…and then it’s on to new projects!
I’m excited.
Oh, one more thing…I could watch this on a loop fooorrreeeevvvvveeerrrrr: