So, I’ve been waiting and waiting for the announcements to be made about the Star Trek short story contest that I wrote for…because I’m excited to post and share my short story! Obviously, I’d only be posting and sharing it on my site if was not among the chosen few, which let’s be honest, is extremely likely 😛 But still…it’s the first project I finished, you know? Like, beginning to end, line edits and all…I want to share it!
So, with that in mind and given the fact that work today was fairly light, I spent some pure fun time on my ol computer and did some of my own artwork for the short story, called The Family Will Go On, and for my “Icarus” pilot. Super, super happy with both. Pleased as pie, in fact. I found EXACTLY the type of artwork I had in my head for the Trek short, and on a pay-once royalty stock image site, too. And I mean, it looks *exactly* like what I saw in my head. Uncanny. And then the “Icarus” pilot…I found an image of the sun that I loved that was from NASA, so I should be okay to use that, and then I struggled for a long while trying to figure out how to make the text look. Just couldn’t get it right. So I pushed it aside and did some Flix work. Well…
…I came back to it later in the evening, and after just twiddling some knobs and flipping some switches, I created this effect that I totally and completely fell in love with. It *wasn’t* what I’d seen in my head…it was BETTER. So, yeah…that was fun. I definitely see stories in visuals, and taking those visuals out of my head and creating them physically was emminently satisfying.
Hung out with Arg and Kristen today, too. It was K-Bear’s birthday and we went to the banquet hall where they’re going to have their wedding reception and we did their tasting with them. A bunch of Armenian traditional dishes…they’re apparently HUGE on the appetizers…which were delicious…and then K-Bear came back with Liz to our house and they vegged out on the couch together and caught up on all their shows.
I did a bit more work, and then laid down and took a brief nap and watched the A’s game on my iPad. They’re doing 60fps video this year for certain devices, and apparently my iPad is one of those devices because it was suuuuuper crispy clear and smooth. I’m usually not a fan of 60fps, to be honest…but it looks good with sports, yo.
Anywho…it was a good day. I still feel out of whack, mostly because I haven’t had any structure. I feel “floaty”…so tomorrow, I’m going to plan some stuff out, I think. FUN things…but plan them nevertheless. Work out. Write. We’re going to do our taxes. Some apartment stuff early in the morning. It’ll be good.
Good night!
Here is the artwork, by the way. So fun! 🙂