Day 892: Above Water

Day 892: Above Water

It’s been a bit all over the place lately, folks. But not necessarily in bad ways. I’m about to start a different function for my Flix work, which is exciting. It’s a lateral move, mostly, but one I’ve been hoping was coming for a bit and...
Day 890: Quickie

Day 890: Quickie

Has to be a quick one tonight. Gots to get up right on time tomorrow morning and do some apartmental stuff, and then it’s over the hill for some Flix stuff. And it’s almost ze midnights right now. Oh, it just struck midnight. K…time for the sleeps....
Day 889: What we leave behind

Day 889: What we leave behind

Soooo…I’d wanted to get my taxes done today. Didn’t happen. But…I *did* get a writing hour in, and I *did* work out…that’s two days in a row. I also balanced ye old checkbook, got some narrations did…I mean, it was still a...
Day 888: The People

Day 888: The People

Day triple-eight! Imma have to go back and look at day 777 now, and maybe even go crazy and look at day 666 and 555. Triple-8. Crazy. It turned out to be a fucking good day people. I dropped the Schnoops off to get his bumper fixed. I got all my straggling Netflix...
Day 887: Let’s do this

Day 887: Let’s do this

The Ho just confessed to me that she’s “crushing it” on the Candy Crush. Okay, so perhaps “confessing” wouldn’t quite be the word she’d use…but then again, now she’s sitting next to me saying...