Had my third consecutive awesome work day in a row today. Feels sooooo nice.

Pages? Done.

Netflix work? Done.

Narrations? Done.

Time spent with the bear? Done.

I even walked the dogs both in the morning and night times. Like a boss.

Tomorrow is a day “off” from the editing work, but I’ll be plenty busy. I need to get at least the pilot episode of Two Guys One Trek edited together into its final form. That way I can establish my template for the rest of the episodes, and hopefully crank through those over the next couple weeks. It’s either that, or Imma hafta push back the launch date for the podcast, and I really, really don’t want to do that. I’m looking forward to it being OUT THERE.

Both pups are currently using me and snuggle bumpers. Uuuuggghhhh.

We did NOT hear today about the Ho’s pilot pick up. NBC did announce the pick-up of two other shows, comedies, which is nerve-wracking…but both of those shows are stretching the term “comedy.”  They’re nothing like what we think her show would be up against anyway…but we shall see. We. Shall. See.

The writing is going well right now. Stuff is happening. That’s always when the story is moving best, you know? Of course you do, you avid reader you.

The Warriors beat the Trailblazers today to advance to the conference finals. That was fun because I actually got to watch it. I’d finished my work in time to catch the end of the game. So nice.

K. That’s all I got tonight. Catch you kids tomorrow. Life is good when the pages and the work are done!