Oof. Another “tired” blog entry. My eyes are currently all sting-y and droopy. The Ho is getting back in a few minutes from being with K-Bear for Boozy Bingo night. And I am wiped out.
As mentioned, TG1T was announced live today. That was exciting. The small number of Trek fans I already know, or recently came to know a bit at least, have already embraced it and sent us congrats, well-wishes, and positive feedback. That’s very satisfying. For sure. You never REALLY know, you know? When you’ve created something, how someone is going to respond is always a bit of a risk. Even if you’re reasonably sure it will turn out well because you know YOU love it…you’re never fully sure what someone else will think. Early returns on the podcast are that those fears are unjustified. TG1T shall find its audience.
But that was all on autopilot today. The work has been done. Except for a small amount of posting here on this blog for each episode. Maybe I’ll do that tomorrow morning. I don’t know. Right now I could sleep for a thousand years, so we’ll see how productive I feel.
Guys…I also realized today that I need to finish Starstuff before I start writing The Long Way Home. I’m not sure WHY I was putting off finishing Starstuff, but I realized I was. By jumping into my next project, I’m shirking the work and responsibility I have to my existing manuscript. I guess the REAL realization was that if I’m to learn anything from this experience with my work plate being overflowingly full…it’s that I need to FOCUS. My plan to do both the rewrites of Starstuff and the writing of novel #2 at the same time are misguided and not learning from past mistakes. FOCUS. Do one thing at a time. TAKE THE TIME to do it right. That second part is also very tough for me, I realize. I want things to happen more quickly than they do. I should embrace the time it takes to get something done at it’s own natural pace…as long as I’m putting in my hours each day and trying during that time to be as productive as I can. And you know what? I think I can live with that. I really do. I’m a “work” guy. As long as I’m putting that in, I’ll be happy.
So, finished Starstuff it is. I had some ideas about how to pump up the jam on a certain section of the story that should be SO MUCH MORE exciting than it already is. More factions. More characters. Some twists and turns and more obstacles. But, the book needs to be “finished.” At least this major rewrite does. Then I get to move on. When I’m happy with it.
With that in mind, my revised goal for 2016 is to “finish” Starstuff and then to “finish” The Long Way Home. That’s the new goal. That means in 2016 I will have finished a pilot, a short story, and two novels. Not fucking bad. Then next year, based on how this all goes this year…perhaps I can stretch that to TWO new novels. If I can get two novels done in a year…I’ll be happier than I can even fathom right now sitting in this office chair.
Did I mention that? That I’m writing this from the office tonight? Been doing that the past few nights, actually. No big reason, really; just how the cookie crumbled. So…what to write next year? Honestly, I think I want to write the manuscripts for my other two book series. If I get pub’d between now and then, that could obviously change…but writing a Indiana-Files novel and an Icarus novel next year sounds fucking deliciously awesome. Have FOUR book series ready to go to publishing? Shit. Get dat publishing deal fo sho.
A man can dream you guys…I’ve just got to FOCUS. That’s the ticket. Focus…and take it one day at a time.
Artwork tonight is by Virgil Finlay