The Ho and I had date night tonight, and i’twas glorious. It’s been a while since we did one, so it was long overdue, and to be honest I was fucking draaaaaggggiiiinnnggggg today. Super tired. But, I *really* wanted to go on date night…and I’m so friggin glad we did 🙂

We went to this “new” sushi place down the street from us, the one that took over the old candy shop that Sabrina the teenage witch had in Sherman Oaks. It’s walking distance and we’d never been, and it was SO PRETTY outside tonight. It’s been a bit warm during the day (nothing like last weekend, thanks to baby g), but the night times have been amaze balls.

Food was good. I got this fish called Seabeam and it was so friggin delicious. Liz got a special roll with scallops and whitetail and other stuff. It was, like, their house special.

I keep getting sucked into convo with the Ho as I write this. She’s singing St. Elmo’s Fire because we heard it at the Rite Aid (that’s where we went after dinner) and she wasn’t sure if it was in her 80s playlist, and now she’s listening to it. We didn’t know who sang it. I’ve never seen the movie.

Podcasted with Josh today. We only got through one episode, which was just as good to be honest. Like I said, the energy reserves were low for this guy. All I wanted to do was friggin sleeps all day. Which didn’t happen, but what can you do. We watched “Catspaw,” which is SUCH a weird episode, but we both had the epiphany that it’s totally a Halloween episode. I don’t know if that was intentional, or if it AIRED during Halloween all the way back in 1967, but that’s definitely how it comes off or at least what it should have been. We’re 1/3 of the way into Season 2 now, which is awesome. Season 2 will be over in the blink of an eye.

Anywho…that’s about it for tonight. A’s beat the Angels for the third game in a row. Ha! Suck it! We may suck, but they suck harder. And that is so very satisfying.

Tomorrow, it’s a shih tzu meetup all the way out in the middle of nowhere, then maybe some couch-potato-ing, and then we get my car’s tires replaced FINALLY, and then some GoT…and then it’s sleep time and back to work. Blech.

I need a freaking week off, yo.

Good night.

Artwork tonight if from Vincent Di Fate