We have a new Danby in the house. He’s all black, and so we shall call him Darth Danby. He sounds so different from the old Danby. He also seems to be a bit louder than the old Danby when his compressor comes on…but no matter. We’ll get used to him.
For those of you who have no idea what the fuck I’m talking about, “Danby” is a company that makes portable AC units. We’ve had one in our bedroom for the last…oh, almost 10 years I think. If not longer. Well, this winter, our trusty old unit went out. Started making some weird noises. I’m surprised he lasted that long, actually. Trusty old fellow. We used him nightly for 10+ years. He was a necessity in our place, and in our “new” place with central AC, he was a luxury. We could turn the AC off, or set it really high at night, and just use Le Dansb in the bedroom and be nice a cool. Used a fraction of the electricity.
Anywho, it’s time for bed. Today was a bit frustrating on the writing side, but very productive on the editing side. Lots of good stuff done. Getting ever so close to finishing all this shit. Ever so close. Might even try to work through the weekend…we’ll see how that goes.
Night. Gonna read for a few. The Enterprise is coming home after its 5-year mission.