by Ira | Jun 25, 2016 | Challenge, Journal
The Ho and I had date night tonight, and i’twas glorious. It’s been a while since we did one, so it was long overdue, and to be honest I was fucking draaaaaggggiiiinnnggggg today. Super tired. But, I *really* wanted to go on date night…and I’m...
by Ira | Jun 24, 2016 | Challenge, Journal
Oof. Another “tired” blog entry. My eyes are currently all sting-y and droopy. The Ho is getting back in a few minutes from being with K-Bear for Boozy Bingo night. And I am wiped out. As mentioned, TG1T was announced live today. That was exciting. The...
by Ira | Jun 24, 2016 | News, Season 1, Star Trek, Two Guys One Trek
At long last…and I do mean the “long” part of that…once upon a time, we were supposed to launch June 1st; I laugh at our innocence…SEASON 1 OF TWO GUYS ONE TREK IS LIVE. It’s ready for your ears, and your mouse clicks and your...
by Ira | Jun 24, 2016 | Season 1, Two Guys One Trek
Our LAST EPISODE of the first season ever of Star Trek…it all happened so fast, didn’t it? Do we kick off the wait for season 2 with a bang? Listen and find...
by Ira | Jun 24, 2016 | Season 1, Two Guys One Trek
Kirk falls in love, this time for real, McCoy goes batsh*t crazy, and the boys meet the Guardian of...