Day 981: Loanzzz

Day 981: Loanzzz

There’s this podcast called “Reveal” out there. It’s probably my favorite podcast right now. And the number of podcasts I listen to has BALLOONED in the past year+. Reveal is from the “center for investigative journalism” which I...
Day 980: Clean Teefs

Day 980: Clean Teefs

Went and saw my dentist today. It was the first time in a year and a half because I lost my insurance last year. No cavities! I still have these three spots that are *borderline* cavities, but they’ve been there in the same state now for three years, and my doc...
Day 979: The Edge of the Universe

Day 979: The Edge of the Universe

Listening to a bit o’ the old TG1T right now as I write this. First time in a week, actually. I’ve stayed away from listening to it purposefully. Want to make sure that I keep it fresh as we’re still making it. lopl;0    ‘?g   vb Liz just had...
Day 978: The Right Stuff

Day 978: The Right Stuff

I watched the movie The Right Stuff today, which was a meandering romp through the early years of the U.S. space program, starting all the way with the breaking of the sound barrier by Chuck Yeager and ending with the last flight by the Mercury Astronauts team...
Day 977: Whole Lotta Nuthin

Day 977: Whole Lotta Nuthin

Tonight’s title entry is a bit misleading. I didn’t do *nothing* today. I was up at the buttcrack getting the Ho and her female compatriots out the door for Kristen’s birthday party. Then I did my writing hour. And then Josh was over for a solid...