Josh and I finished watching Star Trek tonight. All 79 episodes. In just barely over a year.

It’s a mixed feeling, and not “mixed” in a good/bad way, I mean in the type of accomplishment – see, we just finished what we originally set out to do, which was to watch the original series from beginning to end…but we’ve also since added on doing the Animated Series, which is what we’re tackling next after a brief hiatus, and then we’re going to watch the movies together after that. So, it’s a mixed feeling in that we both definitely feel like we’ve accomplished something, and something is coming to an end…but we really haven’t reached the end yet.

We had a good episode tonight, a really good one, and a bad episode tonight, a really bad one. It was kind of the perfect encapsulation of this third season. Not the best season. Still plenty worth watching, but boy were there some stinkers in there.

Also, before any other Trek fans out there get twisted up about it: yes, there are 80 episodes, actually…if you include “The Cage” – which is the first pilot – and watch that as well as watch both parts 1 and 2 of “The Menagerie.” We did not do that, because I wanted Josh to see those two episodes on their own, for the first time, without any of it being ruined for him. It’s also important to note that “The Cage” never aired on its own during that first run. It only ran in syndication.

Also got to hang out for a while with the Ho on set. They were shooting a big outdoor scene today, one that she wasn’t even called for, actually, and we came to hang out with everyone and watch what they were doing. It was super fun, super awesome, and I can’t wait till it actually airs and everyone gets to see it.

Coco’s leg is going up and down, up and down right now next to me as she’s falling asleep. It’s so friggin cute. She falls asleep and the leg goes down, and then it hits her other leg and she wakes up for a second and the leg comes back up, then the cycle repeats itself. SO. CUTE.

Didn’t get a whole lot of work done today, but I did get enough to stay on track. Need a solid day tomorrow, a weekend off, and then we dive back in on Monday. I get to stay with the Flix team for a couple more weeks! Which is fine by me. I’ll hold off on continuing with the narrations as long as they have work for me. And I’ve started now to get a rhythm for editing together Season 2 of TG1T. Finally.

I’m going to try editing straight through season 2 and 3. Just be done with them, you know? Get them into the right shape, and then move on. Maybe revisit them here and there before they get published, just to make sure they’re on point. But, I want to be done with these in about a month, because I have two books to write this summer. And that is going to be a a lot of fucking work, yo. To say the least.

Anywho, it’s time for bed. Mwah!

Tonight’s artist is unknown…but obviously super talented 🙂