My manuscript was due today to my editor…but I got that pushed back to Sunday 😛 Of course! Of course it would take me at least just a bit longer to finish something.

The good thing is that the remaining edits are truly, truly minor. The big stuff is mostly out of the way. And I have the weekend to wrap that shit up. Sigh…

Went to see the Ho’s filming tonight and was not disappointed. Cannot WAIT for season 1 to finally get out there. Cannot wait. It’s going to be awesome. I really, truly, think the show is going to have a devoted audience. I really do. We shall see…but I really think it will. I think even non-stoners are going to love it. We. Shall. See.

I am really wiped out tonight. Couldn’t tell you why exactly, but I am. Next week just filled up for me, too. I’ll be doing some Netflix work. Halleloo 🙂 It’s great timing because Starstuff will be off to the editor. I was going to dive in full steam to outlining, but I can definitely outline and do Netflix work at the same time. No doubt. It’s also great timing because work still hasn’t rolled in. So, anyway…it was a pleasant surprise.

I might take a week off after that. For reals. Like, a full week off. But, we’ll see how it goes. I might want to keep plowing forward and get some momentum on writing the next book. I was going to write these two short stories first, but I don’t think I’m going to do that. The next two novels are far, far more important than a pair of reader magnet short stories. Doing the short stories first might feel like a waste of time.

But…we’ll see. I’m going to try and keep it a bit fluid here at first, actually. Structure, definitely, but not too much. I want to feel out how my process is going to work on a full-time basis. See where that leads me. Set some deadlines, yes, and have daily targets…but things like what specifically to work on and in what order? That not so much.

I’m going to bed, y’all. My last thought of the night is this: it was my mom’s birthday today. I love my mom. She was an incredible mother, and continues to be a positive and supportive force in my life. I’m so very, very lucky to have her and I wish her a very, very happy birthday. Happy Birthday Mom! 🙂