Starstuff is off to the editors. They grow up so fast.
Today was actually hijacked almost all day. No joke, two minutes after sitting down in my writing chair to bang out these last few notes, my phone rang and there was emergency apartment business that had to be attended to. Sigh…
I have to keep this entry short tonight because it’s already past midnight. But, suffice it to say that I’m simultaneously ecstatic that my manuscript is in the hands of my editor, and totally zapped and zonked from the process. I’m back at the place where I have no idea what’s working and what’s not working. I was so scattered around here and there, editing little pieces to better set up other little pieces later on in the story that I have no idea if those dominoes are actually falling.
I hope they are.
We’ll see how it reads after my editors are done 😛
It’s time for the sleeps. The Ho is calling Cooper a demon derp dog because he has a derp tongue and he’s laying upside down so his eyes down close all the way and the whites are showing…which makes him look evil. Heh. Evil Coops.