Day 1,318: Fifteen and Oh

Day 1,318: Fifteen and Oh

The Warriors won tonight in epic fashion. Truly, truly epic. I believe they were down by 6 points with under 2 minutes to go…and they won by 5. That’s just…incredible. It’s incredible. And they’re 15-0 in the postseason. That’s...
Day 1,316: When Life Gives You Lemons

Day 1,316: When Life Gives You Lemons

Life gave me a fair share of lemons today. Was going to be the first try at this newly developed daily “schedule.” But, alas…that’s the way it goes, kids. I cannot friggin COUNT how many times I’ve learned the lesson that you have figure...
Day 1,315: Craft Trumps All

Day 1,315: Craft Trumps All

Tonight, I finished the book I was reading. It was terrible. Because of that I won’t name names…but it was bad. And this guy has written, like, seven books. SEVEN. How does that happen??? And it’s not like the author made some bad decisions here and...
Day 1,314: I made a thing

Day 1,314: I made a thing

The Ho and I made a thing. It’s really stupid. Like…really dumb. WHICH IS WHY IT’S AMAZING. You can watch it if you’re reading this on my website. It’s a video. Coco is in it. It’s the tits. Today was a great day. I cleaned, I...