Day 1,357: The Fourth The Fifth

Day 1,357: The Fourth The Fifth

I love my wife. We just spent 10 minutes going through a rolling stone article on the meaning(s) behind the lyrics of “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen. And it was because she’d been playing it on her ukulele and singing along. Also…we just had a...
Day 1,356: Swaaaggg

Day 1,356: Swaaaggg

Just spent the past two hours with the Ho working on swag for the Vegas Trek convention…Two Guys One Trek shall be there and reppin’ yo! Much excite. I had a very solid day of work today. 3,400 words, I do believe, and some down time as well. I’m...
Day 1,355: Cuz it’s dope

Day 1,355: Cuz it’s dope

The Ho just reminded me that Cooper stole my sausage yesterday. I forgot to blog about that, I think. It’s true; I left a bit of salami on the coffee table and went and wrote for a little while, and Liz found him hiding in our bedroom with knawed-on sausage on...
Day 1,354: Battered but not Broken

Day 1,354: Battered but not Broken

I definitely hit that wall today. Big time. But…it didn’t completely ruin me, and here I am tonight feeling rather much better, thank you very much. I wrote 1,300 words today. Definitely shy of 3,000…but I’m going to say I’m okay with...
Day 1,353: The First Wall

Day 1,353: The First Wall

I had another great writing day, though *slightly* shy according to my word count tracker…though I have reason to believe that it did not count almost 400 words I wrote today…still: the total was 2,753 words. That is DOPE, yo! 🙂 I’ve written just...